Buy Local – Green Living
Buy Local The concept of buying local is simply to buy food (or any good or service) produced, grown, or raised as close to your home as possible. With industrialization, …
Why Collect Art?
The life enhancement that a piece of art generates for a collector is the most valid reason for selecting any art work. Collector motivation should be not solely whether a …
Art Gallery vs Art Auction
What’s the difference between buying art at an art gallery and purchasing art from an auction house? There are many advantages to buying from an art gallery. You may be …
Travel to Salvador – Bahia, Brazil
Come experience the birthplace of Brazil and you will go home with more than just a tan! Diga Brazil delivers a fun, safe, authentic Brazilian vacation using Bed and Breakfast …
Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center, Calendar of Events
Calendar of Events
Classes & Seminars
Art classes, health product seminars, Portuguese & Capoeira classes, Samba & more.
Technology and Franchising
The proper use of technology can revolutionize the way you do business. With the right mix of technological tools and systems, your franchise can rise to the top of your …