Delta Diva by Laurie Cooper

Delta Diva
by Laurie Cooper
Open Edition Canvas Print
Gallery Wrap No framing needed – just hang and enjoy!
Size 12″w x 14″h x 1.25″ Approx

Print on Canvas 

Our high-quality printing process gives this print/poster its eloquent and striking appearance. Printed on Canvas this art reproduction has been printed using fine inks for lasting beauty. This is an affordable canvas print, enjoy!
Printed on canvas and artist hand colored by Sanaa or other artist.

Gallery Wrap Examples

A canvas print is the result of an image printed onto canvas which is often stretched, or gallery-wrapped, onto a frame and displayed. Canvas prints are used as the final output in an art piece, or as a way to reproduce other forms of art.

Gallery Wrap No framing needed – just hang and enjoy!

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