How To: Name Your Piece Of Art

Have you ever made a piece of art, but you did not know what to name it?  Here are a few steps that just might put you on the right track…

Try to remember the thought that led you to doing your art piece in the first place: It is helpful if you can think of it. Maybe you were feeling depressed and the reason for the painting was to get it out of your mind.

When you look at the piece how do you feel? Do you feel sad, happy or confused? These emotions can lead to a very wide variety of titles. Who knows what people are seeing through your art. As an artist, you need to select a title that you FEEL is right, regardless of relevancy.

Maybe the name just comes to you: A completely random name for the piece that doesn’t fit in anywhere is also acceptable! Remember YOU ARE the artist! Whatever you say, goes.

Remember, names are not everything. A name does not bring down the standard, beauty or quality of a painting or other form of art.

Be creative. An interesting name is always entertaining, but it doesn’t even have to be a word if you don’t want it to.

Look at the details of the painting or piece of artwork. If you had a giant tye-dye peace sign with a nature background, but it’s night time, I would call it “Beautiful Past” because far far in the past, when humans weren’t around, animals were perfectly happy.

Good Luck!

Did you ever make a piece of art? Tell me about it in the comment section below!
