Why Is the Division Between Africans and African Americans

by Mabi Conti

Why is the division between Africans and African Americans?
“You can bend a knee, but not a heart”
Why is the division between Africans and African Americans? Why do we talk at each other instead of talking to each other? Why is it that most African men barely have African American males as friends or as counter parts? Have you ever wonder why? Have you ever wonder the difference with other groups in America? There are many factors that contributed to this male division.

The first and foremost is that fact that of all people living in most countries, the men are mostly in charge of their destiny, America is the only place where these men have been left behind, what does that mean? It means that Africans from Africa does not have their counterparts in positions of power to help them catapult into position of power and wealth, because they, African American men are still struggling to get crumbs from the pie to share. African American men have been castrated from the milk and honey of America.

The second fit of the puzzle is that most Americans have seen media depictions of Africa, as a land of suffering, instability and economic failure, there is more to Africa than gloom and doom. This mindset blinds most African American males towards African males, instead of looking at the media hype and focus on our commonalities and how we can both join our know-how together and become a formidable force.

I have often said that what African American lack in been born privileged, Africans can bring to the table. On the other hand, what Africans lack in terms of navigating into the main stream, African Americans can add that to the equation for us. The old saying that two heads are better than one, applies here.

So, why is somebody not explaining this to both parties? This is part of my responsibilities. I have to tell it all. I have to open the window to our minds and make us see beyond. All I ask for is five minutes of your time and let me open the window to your mind. Only five minutes, and I can guarantee you that, I will do just that and I promise you will never be the same again once I get that five minutes of your time.

The third issue confronting African American males is the mentality that we are here to steal from them. That is to say that we, Africans are here to get free education, which is far from the truth. We pay dearly to go to schools as foreigners. The notion that African males steal their women. Now lets talk about this issue.

From time in memorial, men have always catered to women. This is not new in the world today; the circumstances in America and other western countries have changed the balance. Men have always been the breadwinners of most families. African men are good breadwinners, they may not be the greatest lovers, and however, they are certainly the greatest providers for their families.

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About the Author

Mabi Conti, a seasoned lecturer that has appeared on television and radio discussing issues ranging from business to diversity. I about to publish a book on Race Relations, title: Africans In America, Hear Our Stories.

Since 1985, Mabi Conti has positioned himself as the bridge between the perceived and the realities of understanding people, race, culture and doing international business.

Mabi Conti is a marketing guru with a mind of a strategist, a great affinity for reading and writing. Take advantage of my talents and let me watch you grow.