Purple Eyes Two by Aline Costa


Purple Eyes Two
by Aline Costa

Original Mix Media on Paper
Size 8.5″ x 11″ Approx

Brazilian artist from  Bahia, Feira de Santana. 34 years old. She studied Fine Arts at the UFBA and Fashion Design at SENAC Salvador. She has lived in Salvador since 2002.
She worked on the development of the Arts Bungalow which is an alternative fashion focused on the artistic and alternative crowd.
Her artworks are sold in Salvador, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, in addition to the United States, Portugal, France and Spain.
In her artworks the artist presents her playful and unsettling way of representing and understanding man, through an endless profusion of colors.
Self-taught she discovered her artistic expression as a child.
The artist introduces small frame objects with the intention of creating a plastic effect and to push the boundaries of visual sensations, experiencing other tactile sensations.
“Art is my life, where my feelings and concerns, joys and sufferings are expressed. It is what gives meaning to my existence, my immense joy.”

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