How to Self-Publish Your Own Quilt Catalog: A Workbook for Quilters, Guilds, Galleries and Textile Artists [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: March 16, 2012
Be a quilt artist + author! If you know how to use Microsoft Word, have Internet access, and a dozen or more images of your artwork, YOU CAN make your own art catalog. This workbook will show you step-by-step how to concept, layout, write, publish and promote a 24-page or 36-page full-color paperback art catalog. You will also learn how to have your catalog available on, the largest online bookstore.

If you have thought about creating a catalog of your artwork for your family and friends, for your regular customers or collectors, for a school project, for your professional artist statement, for an exhibit of your work, or even for your historical quilt or art history research, this workbook is for you!

This workbook is specially designed for quilters, quilt historians, textile artists, guilds, and gallery owners.
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