Celebrity nudes = Fame, fortune and filth. Leaked celebrity nude photos inspire instant adoration and fascination from the masses, most of whom are sexually frustrated enough to care. This is the state of today’s celebrities. Especially if you want to get or stay famous.
Can you imagine classy icons like Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn posing naked for photographs? They at least had self-respect. However, thanks to the wonderful technological advances of mobile phones and those cameras they’ve got built into them, we are now a planet of people capturing their nether-regions and sending them to other humans.
Celebs are no different… apart from the small fact that people want to hack into their phones and share them with the world. So which leaked celebrity nudes are the best?
Naked celebrities, leaked or otherwise, are everywhere nowadays. It’s the new norm. The advent of the sex tape has added a whole other element to the voyeuristic nature of watching the lives of famous people.
For the first time, it feels like we can peer behind their bedroom doors and watch them at it. It also humanizes celebrities and brings them down to our level of perversion. We all have tits and dicks. We like to flaunt. It’s normal!
Besides, there’s no better way for celebs to boost their value and get widespread global media attention by dropping some nude pics. Intentionally leaked celebrity nude photos are more common then you think, despite their usual accusatory claims and victimized lamentations.
Let’s place some kind of arbitrary importance on these photographs because, lets face it, some people get private images leaked and after we’ve stopped gawping at their flesh, we wonder who the hell they are.
The most famous of the lot, Scarlett Johansson managed to melt the entire internet when her boobies broke free. Jessica Alba must be absolutely thrilled because there was a vague hint of self-shot nudity dithering around the web, but ScarJo completely obliterate her and make HecklerSpray.com famous. Thanks.
Rumor has it that Rihanna’s naked photographs were leaked online by Chris Brown after they broke up. Pierced nipples. E’nuff said.
Rihanna was very unhappy when her nude photos surfaced on the internet.
“I just felt like my whole privacy was taken before that [by the injury photo] and then, when that came out, I thought, ‘Oh great, so now there’s nothing they don’t know about me and my private life.’ It was humiliating and it was embarrassing.”
Miley Cyrus was only of interest to pre-teens, but then, after the leaking of some pictures, she transformed into an actual celebrity. The picture on the left shows Miley naked in a bathtub; word has it that it was a private photo series for Liam Hemsworth, her fiance. The picture on the right is famous on the internet; it supposedly shows Miley taking a nude self-shot while in a Madrid hotel. There’ no proof that its legit but no way to disprove it either. Believe what you will.